Frequently Asked Questions

Please note that if you would like to report any bugs or glitches in our software, visit our GitHub page. You may also notify us with your suggestions via the GitHub page and/or our Feedback page.

  1. Can you get a refund when purchasing a product?

    We do not have a refund policy currently, talk to our support team and they may offer a refund given specific circumstances.

  2. Where can you find your API Token?

    You must navigate to your profile on our website and under the API section it will state Token, of which you can copy and or refresh in case of a security breach.

  3. Where can you post your suggestions?

    You can post suggestions on our Discord server, visit it at

  4. Can multiple users be logged in on the same account?

    When using our application you must provide login credentials which will be checked in our database before allowing you to continue. When our software detects alternate users logged in under the same credentials you and the alternate users will be denied access and/or kicked out from the application and must provide email verification to continue.

    (Please note that when having been locked out of your account you must provide email verification that will require your password and username which can be accessed via our support team. Therefore, please take note of your username before using our application).

Do you still have any questions?

Find out more about your question by contacting our support team.